What are MathNotebooks?

MathNotebooks are interactive textbooks built with Jupyter, a browser-based platform for interactive computing. MathNotebooks bring together the narrative explanation of a book with interactive code examples that illustrate concepts more deeply, and allow students to extend their knowledge and test their understanding.

What do I need to get started?

Current MathNotebooks all utilize Python 3 for the interactive programming environment in Jupyter. The Python download page has links to the installers for different Python versions; the latest one works great.

After installing Python, the next step is to install Jupyter. This can be done via a command terminal using the pip command included with Python:

pip install jupyterlab

MathNotebooks are hosted on GitHub. You can use the "Clone or download" button on an individual repository page to directly download all of the notebooks associated with that repository. You can also get notebooks by using git to clone the repository containing the notebooks you'd like. After installing git, first obtain the location of the repository by clicking on the "Clone or download" link on GitHub. Then, in a command terminal, navigate to where you would like to put the notebooks and enter

git clone <repository_location>

How do I load a MathNotebook?

Once you have downloaded or cloned the notebooks you'd like to use, you can view them by opening a command terminal, navigating to where the notebooks are located, and then executing

jupyter lab
This will open up the Jupyter interface, in which you can view and play with the notebooks!